Emmett, Rosalie, Esme, Edward, Calisle, Alice & Jasper, these are the CULLEN vampires...they are the G00d ones
at the end, Bella became a vampire.....hahahah..malas i wanna tell u all...try going to-http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twilight_(2008_film)
after the movie...kami org pgi McD, aku makan McD Move It meal ya...yg Madagascar ya bahh...i love the Shaker Fries......pasya jln2 ikut cdak aida, dydy n rachel pergi G-mex...apalah nama kedai ya...pgi ke Desney...pasya pgi ke Speedy, ogi kedai Hotlink ya dkt dgn ATM ya...pgi kedai HP, aida beli kredit..pasya pgi ke STARBUCKS or SETARBAK....minum Creamy Caramel Grande, RM12.50...mahal...pasya balik..haha...malas to UPl0AD photos...next time lah..hehe...i owe DYDY rm2.70 and Rach rm2.50...RM55 habis tek....btw, PROMOTION!!!! Dydy mok jual HPnya, Sony Ericcson, dono what model, for RM450!!! Sapa mok beli, pgi ke http://dydy17.blogspot.com/ TQ..blehh