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Monday, November 24, 2008

what happened last year...

hey guys before i forget, today is my 1st anniversary of something which is not that important but it's quite important too......haha..last year on this date...went in a CLINIC...then come out with something 'different'...haha...i think ANN n RACH knows this EXPERIENCE coz me, roy, zul, fit3 n yus already told them about OUR EXPERIENCES last year....about the TWO clinics which is BERSEBERANGAN...haha..don wanna mention the clinics...Me, zul n yus went to the same clinic, clinic H while fit n roy go to the same clinic, clinic A..haha....i noe u guys x faham..haha...x faham xpa....k, bayar RM120!!! mahal rite but not that mahal..hehe..hehe...well, this 2 clinics is different, clinic H uses K****P while clinic A uses J***T...ter0x...well the injections are different...some 1 time some 6 times some 3 times....depends lah...k chow...x fhm xpa...x penting pun....chow...miao

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

let me guess.
anniversary for your circumcision? hehe. =P