BI:This horror movie is the best horror movie in Malaysia(according to me)
BS:Cerita tok cerita hanru paling bez kat Malaysia!!!(bagi kameklah)
IB:tu cerita antu pemadu manah ba menua Malaysia!!!(ke aku)
Episode 10 (25September 2008)
Now i understand y WARIS wanna get Marissa and Mas Ayu...
1st generation-MAStura
mastura love waris sooo much bt her dad don wan waris coz he's not a wealthy family..sooo mastura and waris ran away from the village...Mastura's dad wanna catch and kill waris so that Mastura can marry a wealthy guy. Waris was dead and Mastura was forced to married with the guy..So, mastura gets a spell to bring waris back to life...the nite b4 the proposal,mastura killed her dad 2 replace waris' life, she drag her dad's body 2 waris' grave and said the spell..but waris became someone who is so EVIL....No one except Mastura can see waris.After what waris did to this one guy, Mastura began not to love waris....waris took out the guy's eyeballs and rip off his face. Mastura gave birth to MASita.
2nd Generation-MASati
Masati is with waris since she was small coz her dad, which is Mastura's husband, don care about masati. one day, masati wanna play with the other kids but they say that she is smelly so she told waris about this . Waris killed the boy who said that she is smelly...When Masati is a teenager, she loves waris sooo much & her dad don let her to do so...then waris killed her dad...Waris asked masita to marry a guy to continue the generation of the MAS. All the generations must be female, if it's a boy, waris had to wait for another generation which is a girl. Masita married he guy, Sallehuddin and have a child named MAS Juita...waris then strangled sallehuddin to death....
3rd Genertion-MAS Juita
juita can't see waris eventhough she's already a teenager coz her mom,masita still loves waris. if masita see juita's near with waris, she will ask juita to go away but juita don noe y. masita always scold and never give love to juita coz of waris...she loves waris than juita. one day, waris wants to be with juita but masati doesn't wanna so she is laid a curse by waris and she became sick...while she is sick, she always said waris' name and juita keep on asking who is waris. At last, juita can see waris and masita told juita the truth but juita can resist waris' so called love and she married to Ali. That time was during the japanese occupation so ali must join the army...that was when waris became furious...waris laid a curse on masita and she was tortured by waris b4 she died.people tought she was dead but she's still alive but no one noe except waris of course. so they buried her without noticing...
that current generation is Marissa ,waris is chasing for her and her mom, MAS Ayu...MAS Suri, MAS Ayu's sister is protecting both of them from waris together with Rashad and his grandfather. MAS Suri has the power to weaken waris,Rashad has sixth sense while his grand father has the power to fight waris...
Well that's all for Episode 10 and the previous episodes. Next week episode 11, 2September2008,thursday,9.30pm-10.30pm......
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