Aerobikton Kolej
-woke up at 6am++
-arrived at Miri Indoor Stadium at 7.30am
-they say i will start at 8am but they started the Aerobikton at 8.30am
-the Aerobikton ends at 10am but it they said it ends at 12pm
-so we tukar baju toget ready to go Parkson!
-me leeroy bryan ann rach change our cloothes while shaqil don't coz his mom will send it to him at parkson
-b4 we left the stadium, i asked ann and rach to find KAYLENE but she say she don't come
-so we go without Kaylene
-Abg Wayne and gang already left earlier
-berderet-deret pljr Kolej berjalan pergi Parkson pakai jalan City Fan
-we stop at Dewan Suarah to eat first. A Teacher gave Rachel a plastic bag of Kuihs!
-i don't eat it lah, i don't feel like eating
-then kak Diane and gang dtg
-pergi paxen
-jalan jalan jalan jalan
---->to be continued
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
hari tok is 25.2.2009
-SPOT CHECK!!!!!!!! my first SPOT CHECK in Kolej.
-i'm innocent
-got 34/40...malah jak sepalak dgn Leeroy...
-40% for exam and 60% for sahsiah
-masa PM...blalbalbla
-geram ku nangga Lona!!! XD
-beli nasi RM2.50 from 2G mall!
-aku fit roy zul yus makan kat tangga kedak EMO! tiap2 rehat mesti jak kami org lepak kt tangga
-and then fit ajar me 'HOW TO WALK LIKE A ...'
-MAIN JADI!!!! mcm budak kecik!!!
-aku leeroy fit3 zul yus najib ann rach and amily main jadi[tag] masa rehat!! was fun though..haha..kami lari2 depan form1 and form2 but xda pun malu..muka tebal
-tukar tempat dudok!!!!!!
-we all tukar tempat dudok by lucky draw..contohnya, if A got no.2 from the so called lucky draw, so A must sit at no.2.
-i got number 4!!!
-my neighbours are rach and yus...
-but then i must move coz no.4 is at the front and they say "yg pandai ya dudok kat blkg"
so i must sit at belakang neighbours are ann trah and capoh2 kamiorg sampai ada yg nangis disbabkan tukar tmpt dudok...aku sik PUAS HATI!!! Aku mesti dudok dgn org SEPALAK!! boring bahh aku dudok dgn trah....ngantok..masa Sc td ngantok lalu..masa MT aku dudok between Ester and Zul and Jiji buat sementara...hahah..ester dah gila dah dudok dgn jiji...
aku rindu jiran2 SEPALAK aku...Leeroy aka Akik Tuai, Fit3 aka Professor & Nico aka Tauke...Zul and Yus pun sama..ann n rach pun sama...AJ and Avin jauh lalu bahh...sik blh mok chit chat gosipp dgn cdaknya..blablabla..and then banyak org berebutkan hafiz to seat with them...cdaknya mok dudok dgn hafiz coz he terer Maths...sampai gaduh2 cdak ya berebutkan hafiz and the one who wanna sit with him are girls...haha..ada yg sampai nangis berebutkan callie..
-maths...dudok dgn ester jiji..ester gila...and then chitchat dgn fit and zul psl TOOT
-ihh..gelik ehh ku dgr wat fit told me
-dtg rumah almost 2pm and terus tdo..sik makan...buka bju batik jak..tdo pakei bju putih jak..tdo tdo tdo sampai pukul 4pm...and then makan at 4pm and 4.30pm terus buat toondoo....
-buat toondoo sampai pukul 8pm...buat toondoo sambil tgk SPA Q!!!
-aku benci Datin Sofiera! Julia! Eryana! Norell! Dafi ada lah benci sikit..sian Qistina..byk lalu mslh...aku rasa Mellisa anak Datin Sofiera lah..nya selalu ambik berat ttg mellisa
-SPOT CHECK!!!!!!!! my first SPOT CHECK in Kolej.
-i'm innocent
-got 34/40...malah jak sepalak dgn Leeroy...
-40% for exam and 60% for sahsiah
-masa PM...blalbalbla
-geram ku nangga Lona!!! XD
-beli nasi RM2.50 from 2G mall!
-aku fit roy zul yus makan kat tangga kedak EMO! tiap2 rehat mesti jak kami org lepak kt tangga
-and then fit ajar me 'HOW TO WALK LIKE A ...'
-MAIN JADI!!!! mcm budak kecik!!!
-aku leeroy fit3 zul yus najib ann rach and amily main jadi[tag] masa rehat!! was fun though..haha..kami lari2 depan form1 and form2 but xda pun malu..muka tebal
-tukar tempat dudok!!!!!!
-we all tukar tempat dudok by lucky draw..contohnya, if A got no.2 from the so called lucky draw, so A must sit at no.2.
-i got number 4!!!
-my neighbours are rach and yus...
-but then i must move coz no.4 is at the front and they say "yg pandai ya dudok kat blkg"
so i must sit at belakang neighbours are ann trah and capoh2 kamiorg sampai ada yg nangis disbabkan tukar tmpt dudok...aku sik PUAS HATI!!! Aku mesti dudok dgn org SEPALAK!! boring bahh aku dudok dgn trah....ngantok..masa Sc td ngantok lalu..masa MT aku dudok between Ester and Zul and Jiji buat sementara...hahah..ester dah gila dah dudok dgn jiji...
aku rindu jiran2 SEPALAK aku...Leeroy aka Akik Tuai, Fit3 aka Professor & Nico aka Tauke...Zul and Yus pun sama..ann n rach pun sama...AJ and Avin jauh lalu bahh...sik blh mok chit chat gosipp dgn cdaknya..blablabla..and then banyak org berebutkan hafiz to seat with them...cdaknya mok dudok dgn hafiz coz he terer Maths...sampai gaduh2 cdak ya berebutkan hafiz and the one who wanna sit with him are girls...haha..ada yg sampai nangis berebutkan callie..
-maths...dudok dgn ester jiji..ester gila...and then chitchat dgn fit and zul psl TOOT
-ihh..gelik ehh ku dgr wat fit told me
-dtg rumah almost 2pm and terus tdo..sik makan...buka bju batik jak..tdo pakei bju putih jak..tdo tdo tdo sampai pukul 4pm...and then makan at 4pm and 4.30pm terus buat toondoo....
-buat toondoo sampai pukul 8pm...buat toondoo sambil tgk SPA Q!!!
-aku benci Datin Sofiera! Julia! Eryana! Norell! Dafi ada lah benci sikit..sian Qistina..byk lalu mslh...aku rasa Mellisa anak Datin Sofiera lah..nya selalu ambik berat ttg mellisa
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
hari tok and today
-dari pagi sampai balik aku pakai baju T Kolej
-BI!! Mdm Swrn said that we did badly in our exams..and she critic us because we didn't hand in the NILAM books and our toondoo..she criticed about our class is not as GOOD as the name of the class...TEKUN
-masa rehat beli NLL[nasi lemak buatan emak lona]
-masa PJK, C.Em x dtg so aku AJ Angela Connie and Avin borak2.
-masa SEJ biasa je..
-b4 KHB we all main PAPER BALL!!! hahahha..was fun though..teringat ku last year masa mekowg form1 we main paper plane on our 2nd last day of being a Form1!
-lunch, blablablablabla
-GERKO, today Kadt Pols strict lalu...aku dipilih utk MELUKIS POSTER!!! lukis aku pandai tp aku lemah dlm COLOURING!! Cikgu main paksarela/sukapaksa bahh
-and then pgi kelas ambik beg
-pgi call
-pgi nyonya dgn cdak pompuan asrama form2
-zul fit roy buat 'revision'...aku mok bahh revision tp i balik dgn angela
Everything About Form1 Today
-dynand and leeroy told me about this form1 boy from Sabah who isgay
-geli i dgr pasal it..ishhh
-the Asrama students said that Arwin is moving to SM SAINS!!!
-sayang bahh...nya seorg Modal Insan and he is a PELAJAR HARAPAN KOLEJ!
-dahlah nya terer dalam akademik, sukan blablabla
-actually he wanted to stay in Kolej but his parents force him to move..Cyn and gang cried last night with Arwin when they talk to him.
-and then Paul Rydrick pun pindah pgi SM SAINS!
-they are going to move this evening..
-and then the F1 got orientation...they gago2 mintak sign from pgws, tcrs etc etc this recess
Everything about MR.N today!!!
-he kacau me like 4 times today and the last one was embarassing me!!!! nasib masa ya aku nico hfz roy and shaqil jak dlm class
-BI!! Mdm Swrn said that we did badly in our exams..and she critic us because we didn't hand in the NILAM books and our toondoo..she criticed about our class is not as GOOD as the name of the class...TEKUN
-masa rehat beli NLL[nasi lemak buatan emak lona]
-masa PJK, C.Em x dtg so aku AJ Angela Connie and Avin borak2.
-masa SEJ biasa je..
-b4 KHB we all main PAPER BALL!!! hahahha..was fun though..teringat ku last year masa mekowg form1 we main paper plane on our 2nd last day of being a Form1!
-lunch, blablablablabla
-GERKO, today Kadt Pols strict lalu...aku dipilih utk MELUKIS POSTER!!! lukis aku pandai tp aku lemah dlm COLOURING!! Cikgu main paksarela/sukapaksa bahh
-and then pgi kelas ambik beg
-pgi call
-pgi nyonya dgn cdak pompuan asrama form2
-zul fit roy buat 'revision'...aku mok bahh revision tp i balik dgn angela
Everything About Form1 Today
-dynand and leeroy told me about this form1 boy from Sabah who is
-geli i dgr pasal it..ishhh
-the Asrama students said that Arwin is moving to SM SAINS!!!
-sayang bahh...nya seorg Modal Insan and he is a PELAJAR HARAPAN KOLEJ!
-dahlah nya terer dalam akademik, sukan blablabla
-actually he wanted to stay in Kolej but his parents force him to move..Cyn and gang cried last night with Arwin when they talk to him.
-and then Paul Rydrick pun pindah pgi SM SAINS!
-they are going to move this evening..
-and then the F1 got orientation...they gago2 mintak sign from pgws, tcrs etc etc this recess
Everything about MR.N today!!!
-he kacau me like 4 times today and the last one was embarassing me!!!! nasib masa ya aku nico hfz roy and shaqil jak dlm class
Monday, February 23, 2009
yesterday and hari tok
-sik pgi Church
-pgi kebun skjp
-mummy pergi for the Women's Conference thingy..for Christians lah
-hntr mummy pgi airport. she pgi to the Cat City, Kuching
-naik MAS on a Business Class Seat!!! Jeleznya aku....i only ever seat on an economy bapak also selalu on a B'ness-class
-saw NURIZUWANNI at the airport
-pgi paxen
-makan kat Kedai Ferdynand Collin...KFC...
-buat toondoo
-tdo at 10.30pm
-toondoo msh blum siap
-school mcm biasa..bgn awal blablabla
-masa bm....i got 86 for BM!!! yeay!! A...sepalak dgn Leeroy, Eda, T-rah..highest 96, Fildza dan Haifa dan Connie.
-masa bi...mdm Sawaran merajuk coz w didn't do anything on the English Corner sedangkan the other subjects except for GEO & BI belum decorate/renovate yet...
-masa GEO, blaja bab5, rajah....AJ kena buli Mdm Yeoh
-masa rehat shopping kat 2Gigih Mall. beli 2 air bunga kotak...beli kerepek dr JIJI and DYDY[DiGi]
-masa PM, dpt kertas ujian...86!!! sepalak dgn Leeroy..malah jk sepalak ngan nya..cubalah sepalak dgn FIT or SHAQIL!!! highest Rach and Albert..96
-masa science!! got A!!! 88!!! me and nico sepalak..and i think we're the highest..
-masa lunch! makan nasi mix berlaukan ikan msk kicap and ayam msk merah..
-ikan ya sik sedap..sik fresh
-mkn dgn Abg Wayne, nico and leeroy.
-masa Maths!!! ak amat KECEWA!!! aku dpt B!! 82...3 salah dah 82...coz 1 soalan the marks big-big mahh...
-my highest marks i ever get in MT in Kolej was 93!! masa Prog3 last year and i think i'm the highest in form1 last year...i think jak lah....donolah..lupa...
-masa NILAM ada 'businesswoman' promote buku....annoying lalu
-b'ball was ok today..only the f2 and f5 come coz f1 and f4 got orientation. f3 no one join b'ball.
-kak Esther aka Kakak Basketball say that got Basketball Exam this year and who pass will get a's a practical exam....i tgk at the planner that next week bball club will watch a vid..
-main blablabla....1st group aku dgn leeroy zaim zul.f law....2nd grup fit leeroy law yus...zul.q terer lgi lah...terer eh zul.f shoot tek...kakak esther blanja cdak najib zul.f awg zaim law air cola cup...and then kami org tetak coz got something callie happened..hahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahaha
-balik to dwn and jln with easther kimberly and shafiqah.
-then balik
-so pge EMART cari kasut tp xda so pergi BAta dkt Imperial Mall beli kasut...xa size actually size 11 but only size 12 terpaksalah pki kasut besar...
-buat toondoo and update blog
-sik pgi Church
-pgi kebun skjp
-mummy pergi for the Women's Conference thingy..for Christians lah
-hntr mummy pgi airport. she pgi to the Cat City, Kuching
-naik MAS on a Business Class Seat!!! Jeleznya aku....i only ever seat on an economy bapak also selalu on a B'ness-class
-saw NURIZUWANNI at the airport
-pgi paxen
-makan kat Kedai Ferdynand Collin...KFC...
-buat toondoo
-tdo at 10.30pm
-toondoo msh blum siap
-school mcm biasa..bgn awal blablabla
-masa bm....i got 86 for BM!!! yeay!! A...sepalak dgn Leeroy, Eda, T-rah..highest 96, Fildza dan Haifa dan Connie.
-masa bi...mdm Sawaran merajuk coz w didn't do anything on the English Corner sedangkan the other subjects except for GEO & BI belum decorate/renovate yet...
-masa GEO, blaja bab5, rajah....AJ kena buli Mdm Yeoh
-masa rehat shopping kat 2Gigih Mall. beli 2 air bunga kotak...beli kerepek dr JIJI and DYDY[DiGi]
-masa PM, dpt kertas ujian...86!!! sepalak dgn Leeroy..malah jk sepalak ngan nya..cubalah sepalak dgn FIT or SHAQIL!!! highest Rach and Albert..96
-masa science!! got A!!! 88!!! me and nico sepalak..and i think we're the highest..
-masa lunch! makan nasi mix berlaukan ikan msk kicap and ayam msk merah..
-ikan ya sik sedap..sik fresh
-mkn dgn Abg Wayne, nico and leeroy.
-masa Maths!!! ak amat KECEWA!!! aku dpt B!! 82...3 salah dah 82...coz 1 soalan the marks big-big mahh...
-my highest marks i ever get in MT in Kolej was 93!! masa Prog3 last year and i think i'm the highest in form1 last year...i think jak lah....donolah..lupa...
-masa NILAM ada 'businesswoman' promote buku....annoying lalu
-b'ball was ok today..only the f2 and f5 come coz f1 and f4 got orientation. f3 no one join b'ball.
-kak Esther aka Kakak Basketball say that got Basketball Exam this year and who pass will get a's a practical exam....i tgk at the planner that next week bball club will watch a vid..
-main blablabla....1st group aku dgn leeroy zaim zul.f law....2nd grup fit leeroy law yus...zul.q terer lgi lah...terer eh zul.f shoot tek...kakak esther blanja cdak najib zul.f awg zaim law air cola cup...and then kami org tetak coz got something callie happened..hahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahaha
-balik to dwn and jln with easther kimberly and shafiqah.
-then balik
-so pge EMART cari kasut tp xda so pergi BAta dkt Imperial Mall beli kasut...xa size actually size 11 but only size 12 terpaksalah pki kasut besar...
-buat toondoo and update blog
Saturday, February 21, 2009
=!Ch@lz3 tingtukun!=™
KeRaWkZ!!! is =!Ch@lz3 tingtukun!= ™
i had nothing to post about.
fyi, tingtukun is actually TING. 2teKUN
it is first created and discovered by Leeroy
We created a lot of words already such as Chengkomai, terconnect, etc
That is all i can type now
fyi, tingtukun is actually TING. 2
it is first created and discovered by Leeroy
We created a lot of words already such as Chengkomai, terconnect, etc
That is all i can type now
luahan perasaan chalze
it's UN-FAIR!
but i have to be patient and be strong
don't let your feelings/emotion overcome you
dari dulu aku bersabar
got 1 time at school i cannot stand it anymore and i .....
i told about this un-fairness to my friend(s) that i trust
which is A, B, C and D
they are the ones who i always tell my secrets to
u noe who u r rite???
THANKS for keeping this coz i am also keeping ur secrets too rite???
but i have to be patient and be strong
don't let your feelings/emotion overcome you
dari dulu aku bersabar
got 1 time at school i cannot stand it anymore and i .....
i told about this un-fairness to my friend(s) that i trust
which is A, B, C and D
they are the ones who i always tell my secrets to
u noe who u r rite???
THANKS for keeping this coz i am also keeping ur secrets too rite???
i tgh dgr Thinking of You- Katy Perry
comments for the song:
charles said,
wtf?? This song is so........@.@
p/s: i dono why i'm posting's sooooo emotional
my progresif1 marks
GEO- 97!!! [29/30]
sh*t!!! 1 wrong!!! careless mistake!!
fitri leeroy jiji dydy cynthia shaqil & athirah
got 100!!!!
SEJ- 90!!!
no comment
1st time got A for SEJARAH
that's all for now
sh*t!!! 1 wrong!!! careless mistake!!
fitri leeroy jiji dydy cynthia shaqil & athirah
got 100!!!!
SEJ- 90!!!
no comment
1st time got A for SEJARAH
that's all for now
I'M FREE!!!!!!
Progresif 1 is OVER!!!
I'm free!!
no more studying!
so happy...
aku mok luahkan perasaan tok,
aku rasa sik puas hati dgn toot toot toot
only my trusted friend(s) know about it
i always tell all my problems to 'this friend' of mine
i only can trust this person
k, nvmd
about just now,
ujian SCIENCE!
boleh dikirakan senang lah
buat 'mission' dgn cdak leeroy fit nico najib n zul (2g)
mission accomplished!
and the mission is
beli makanan at Ko-op!
and then ........
[sorry, it's private!]
masa GEO!
aku sgt KECEWA!
bombongkongkong ah!!
pahal aku sik SEPALAK dgn fit and leeroy! and shaqil jiji dydy t-rah and cyn
malunya aku...
pgi kantin
beli air Teh Peng and Cincau
duduk semeja dgn dynand david and najib
while watching cdak leeroy nico jefri etc enwanding[and1-ing]
then dynand sibuk2 mok nangga pompuan yg pakei LIMOUSINE ya
cdaknya madah dydy
tp sbnrnya bukan dydy
then we all enwanding with them
and then we[aku roy nco] realize that it is late
and we takut 'BOSS' marah
then we LARI gi kelas!
and then stop kat REFLEXOLOGY garden to exercise
then balik kelas
padahal BOS apia & cyn kediri yg lmbt
actually today we balik at 11.30am but then we balik at 1.30pm coz we got
last year we got 4 Mesyuarat Agung 1Tekun'08
i love meetings though
the meeting!
just now sikit org jak dtg
and then Mdm. Chang go see our class to make refrence.
dahlah masa org tgh2 meeting
but nvmd
and then balik
pergi Saberkas to makan and daddy mok tukar antenna kereta hilux
mkn kat aseanika@aseaneka
the pergi psr petang..not pasar malam coz it's not malam
etc etc etc
balik rumah terus on9
Progresif 1 is OVER!!!
I'm free!!
no more studying!
so happy...
aku mok luahkan perasaan tok,
aku rasa sik puas hati dgn toot toot toot
only my trusted friend(s) know about it
i always tell all my problems to 'this friend' of mine
i only can trust this person
k, nvmd
about just now,
ujian SCIENCE!
boleh dikirakan senang lah
buat 'mission' dgn cdak leeroy fit nico najib n zul (2g)
mission accomplished!
and the mission is
beli makanan at Ko-op!
and then ........
[sorry, it's private!]
masa GEO!
aku sgt KECEWA!
bombongkongkong ah!!
pahal aku sik SEPALAK dgn fit and leeroy! and shaqil jiji dydy t-rah and cyn
malunya aku...
pgi kantin
beli air Teh Peng and Cincau
duduk semeja dgn dynand david and najib
while watching cdak leeroy nico jefri etc enwanding[and1-ing]
then dynand sibuk2 mok nangga pompuan yg pakei LIMOUSINE ya
cdaknya madah dydy
tp sbnrnya bukan dydy
then we all enwanding with them
and then we[aku roy nco] realize that it is late
and we takut 'BOSS' marah
then we LARI gi kelas!
and then stop kat REFLEXOLOGY garden to exercise
then balik kelas
padahal BOS apia & cyn kediri yg lmbt
actually today we balik at 11.30am but then we balik at 1.30pm coz we got
last year we got 4 Mesyuarat Agung 1Tekun'08
i love meetings though
the meeting!
just now sikit org jak dtg
and then Mdm. Chang go see our class to make refrence.
dahlah masa org tgh2 meeting
but nvmd
and then balik
pergi Saberkas to makan and daddy mok tukar antenna kereta hilux
mkn kat aseanika@aseaneka
the pergi psr petang..not pasar malam coz it's not malam
etc etc etc
balik rumah terus on9
Friday, February 20, 2009
"1 day left to suffer from Exam Cancer!!! Be strong!"
masa BM
salin nota byk2! aduhh..penatnya tgn
masa PSV
blaja GEO, cakap psl TOOT dgn cdak ann rach fit nico etc and ckp psl Spa Q and Jelita
makan roti yg sgt keras!
blaja GEO
kena anok AJ
lepak kat Yakin
aku baru tauk yg bryan akan pindah ke Shah Alam
blaja GEO
mdm Yeoh ckp psl 'Carpal Tunnel Syndrome'
coz hari ya nya ada accident kat sekolah
1minggu nya ambik cuti sakit
ujian GEO!
kacang je...
masa balik!
tunggu kat dewan
masa mok balit
aku fit & najib ckp psl MICHEAL TONY
dpt markah 96 in MATHS!!!
sik cayak aku...
and then we all najib fit dteb zaim kakak zaim ckp psl ....
lunch! and etc
mkn kat Kedai Ferdynand Collin

and then balik
terus tido
sik tukar baju
bangun pukul 4.30pm
terus on9
blaja SCIENCE!
.OUT n GO.
salin nota byk2! aduhh..penatnya tgn
masa PSV
blaja GEO, cakap psl TOOT dgn cdak ann rach fit nico etc and ckp psl Spa Q and Jelita
makan roti yg sgt keras!
blaja GEO
kena anok AJ
lepak kat Yakin
aku baru tauk yg bryan akan pindah ke Shah Alam
blaja GEO
mdm Yeoh ckp psl 'Carpal Tunnel Syndrome'
coz hari ya nya ada accident kat sekolah
1minggu nya ambik cuti sakit
ujian GEO!
kacang je...
masa balik!
tunggu kat dewan
masa mok balit
aku fit & najib ckp psl MICHEAL TONY
dpt markah 96 in MATHS!!!
sik cayak aku...
and then we all najib fit dteb zaim kakak zaim ckp psl ....
lunch! and etc
mkn kat Kedai Ferdynand Collin

and then balik
terus tido
sik tukar baju
bangun pukul 4.30pm
terus on9
blaja SCIENCE!
.OUT n GO.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Cikgu DJ madah ngan kami org bhw Kedai Indon ya KWSN LRGN
FYI, Kedai Indon terletak kat blkg Surau
TAUKENIO ya jual byk benda sia
termasuk Telur masin, bawang, sayur, keropok, benda2 construction, air minuman, makanan tin
sebuah benda yg haram
tp aku sik pernah beli lah benda ya
aku cuma beli air jak sia
sbb ya KWSN ya telah mnjd KWSN LRGN coz ada cdak pljr beli benda ya kat sia
-ujian sivik-
ok ok lah
-ujian SEJ-
boleh dikirakan senang
and then balik dr sekolah terus msj dgn 'seseorg'
tiap2 hari kami duak argue
tuesday sekali jak
wednesday 2 kali!
sekali masa ptg, sekali masa malam
and masa MALAM ya plg SHOCKING
aku sik cayak
are you HONEST???
pagi pergi dwn, nyanyi Negaraku, baca Doa, n Berikrar n line check..haiyh..
every morning's the same thing
Negaraku, Doa, Ikrar
Negaraku, Doa, Ikrar
Negaraku, Doa, Ikrar
Negaraku, Doa, Ikrar
Negaraku, Doa, Ikrar
mun sik pergi dewan
malasnya aku
tiap2 hari persekolahan, sepanjang tahun
-ujian PJK-
ok ok lah
-ujian KHB-
PECAH PALAK!!! berpeluh2 mnjwb soalan
and then masa Science xda bw BUKU SPS
and then masa SEJ was the best damn THING!!!
for the 1st time
in Kolej Tun Datu Tuanku Haji Bujang
i got
in SEJ!
which is
90 marks!
and then masa lunch minum air Mirinda Strawberi jak
no appetite to makan
1st tym sik mkn lunch in Kolej in 2009
i'm sick of canteen food
btw, today's afternoon was the HOTTEST afternoon in 2009!
so hot, aduhh, smua org komplen/merungut/etc
biasalah kami 'TEKUN' ni
manja gilak coz laz yer kami dlm claz yg ber-AIRCON
tp this year dlm class biasa jak
but it's not bcoz of our 'manjaness', the day was absolutely HOT
and got 1 funny thing happen today
ada kaitan dgn Bryan Apphia & Cynthia
masa KHB terpaksa pgi Bengkel, sambung PROJEK kami org
aku cuma potong ppn lapis dgn gergaji jig jak
mula2 aku potong perspek bahh tp aku dah FED-UP ngan perspek ya coz it's uncutable!
ya jak for today
tgh belajar GEO
aku on9 coz Geo belajar BAB1 je..
'kacang' je
btw, fyi, aku makan Lona's Nasi Lemak 3 BUNGKUS masa rehat!! hehe..mkn byk coz stress
Cikgu DJ madah ngan kami org bhw Kedai Indon ya KWSN LRGN
FYI, Kedai Indon terletak kat blkg Surau
TAUKENIO ya jual byk benda sia
termasuk Telur masin, bawang, sayur, keropok, benda2 construction, air minuman, makanan tin
sebuah benda yg haram
tp aku sik pernah beli lah benda ya
aku cuma beli air jak sia
sbb ya KWSN ya telah mnjd KWSN LRGN coz ada cdak pljr beli benda ya kat sia
-ujian sivik-
ok ok lah
-ujian SEJ-
boleh dikirakan senang
and then balik dr sekolah terus msj dgn 'seseorg'
tiap2 hari kami duak argue
tuesday sekali jak
wednesday 2 kali!
sekali masa ptg, sekali masa malam
and masa MALAM ya plg SHOCKING
aku sik cayak
are you HONEST???
pagi pergi dwn, nyanyi Negaraku, baca Doa, n Berikrar n line check..haiyh..
every morning's the same thing
Negaraku, Doa, Ikrar
Negaraku, Doa, Ikrar
Negaraku, Doa, Ikrar
Negaraku, Doa, Ikrar
Negaraku, Doa, Ikrar
mun sik pergi dewan
malasnya aku
tiap2 hari persekolahan, sepanjang tahun
-ujian PJK-
ok ok lah
-ujian KHB-
PECAH PALAK!!! berpeluh2 mnjwb soalan
and then masa Science xda bw BUKU SPS
and then masa SEJ was the best damn THING!!!
for the 1st time
in Kolej Tun Datu Tuanku Haji Bujang
i got
in SEJ!
which is
90 marks!
and then masa lunch minum air Mirinda Strawberi jak
no appetite to makan
1st tym sik mkn lunch in Kolej in 2009
i'm sick of canteen food
btw, today's afternoon was the HOTTEST afternoon in 2009!
so hot, aduhh, smua org komplen/merungut/etc
biasalah kami 'TEKUN' ni
manja gilak coz laz yer kami dlm claz yg ber-AIRCON
tp this year dlm class biasa jak
but it's not bcoz of our 'manjaness', the day was absolutely HOT
and got 1 funny thing happen today
ada kaitan dgn Bryan Apphia & Cynthia
masa KHB terpaksa pgi Bengkel, sambung PROJEK kami org
aku cuma potong ppn lapis dgn gergaji jig jak
mula2 aku potong perspek bahh tp aku dah FED-UP ngan perspek ya coz it's uncutable!
ya jak for today
tgh belajar GEO
aku on9 coz Geo belajar BAB1 je..
'kacang' je
btw, fyi, aku makan Lona's Nasi Lemak 3 BUNGKUS masa rehat!! hehe..mkn byk coz stress
and then to YOU!!! y evrytime i meet u i mcm nervous jak like juz now..hehe
gud luck for your exams
sory no kdt to msj or argue wit u
but somtymz ur so mean to ur ......
kesian bahh
do u have to betray ....
gud luck for your exams
sory no kdt to msj or argue wit u
but somtymz ur so mean to ur ......
kesian bahh
do u have to betray ....
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
"aku tgh buat kerja BI kat PowerPoint & so aku ambik kesempatan tok utk upd8 blog aku"
-ujian BM!-
ok ok lah
-ujian PM!-
ok n ok
i received an appreciation gift from
who are both my 'mom' and 'daughter'
we are the 'WONG' family
to those yg x fhm
last week
got Kolej CNY/CGM celebration
*CGM=Chap Goh Mei
and we got this drama and i acted as anak Wong
Ann as Wong
and Kaylene as Cucu Wong.
sejak aku x lagi seorg PGWS PLTH, aku, sbg seorg pljr biasa mcm
x terurus jak
cthnya aku sik tuck-in, sik pki tie, sik pki nametag etc.
dulu masa still 'on-duty',
aku pki nametag, tie n tuck-in spjg masa di sekolah except for lunch or gerko or extra activities
biasalah org dah 'pencen'
sejak aku 'pencen' or 'hbs contract'
i become like so noisy in class, jd lbh GILA than b4 etc etc
got 1 funny or sad thing
ada org nangis kena anok cikgu X
semua org umpat psl cikgu X
pagi2 org dah ngumpat psl cikgu X
cdak 2Y capohh pg tok
-ujian BI!-
ok ok but susah sikit
-ujian maths!-
sigek jak yg salah[ku rasa kot]
instead of 1/8 becoming 0.125
i put
masa KHB so funy
biasalah, tiap kali masa C.Suzanne
mesti jak C.Suzanne kena buli, org sik dgr ckp nya etc
kami org bising2 bahh tek masa KHB
cikgu mok tahan kami org balik tp x jd
[KHB last lesson]
-ujian BM!-
ok ok lah
-ujian PM!-
ok n ok
i received an appreciation gift from
who are both my 'mom' and 'daughter'
we are the 'WONG' family
to those yg x fhm
last week
got Kolej CNY/CGM celebration
*CGM=Chap Goh Mei
and we got this drama and i acted as anak Wong
Ann as Wong
and Kaylene as Cucu Wong.
sejak aku x lagi seorg PGWS PLTH, aku, sbg seorg pljr biasa mcm
x terurus jak
cthnya aku sik tuck-in, sik pki tie, sik pki nametag etc.
dulu masa still 'on-duty',
aku pki nametag, tie n tuck-in spjg masa di sekolah except for lunch or gerko or extra activities
biasalah org dah 'pencen'
sejak aku 'pencen' or 'hbs contract'
i become like so noisy in class, jd lbh GILA than b4 etc etc
got 1 funny or sad thing
ada org nangis kena anok cikgu X
semua org umpat psl cikgu X
pagi2 org dah ngumpat psl cikgu X
cdak 2Y capohh pg tok
-ujian BI!-
ok ok but susah sikit
-ujian maths!-
sigek jak yg salah[ku rasa kot]
instead of 1/8 becoming 0.125
i put
masa KHB so funy
biasalah, tiap kali masa C.Suzanne
mesti jak C.Suzanne kena buli, org sik dgr ckp nya etc
kami org bising2 bahh tek masa KHB
cikgu mok tahan kami org balik tp x jd
[KHB last lesson]
Sunday, February 15, 2009
2post at a time
SUNDAY of 15.2.2009
-pgi Church
-msj with abg wayne
-msj good luck to my COMPETITORS which are
-msj with ......
-today was like the best day of my 2009 and Form2 life!
-faham2 jak.
-just now got a sudden blackout
-masa that i tgh mandi
-tiba2, the lights went off
.my first HIATUS MODE of 2009.
.out n go.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
happy vday
today went to school at 1pm
got some decorating and cleaning to do
at class
all the asrama studz
Cynthia, Apphia, Carolyn, Edaloa, Avineda, Connie & N.Athirah
3/9 harian girls come
which is
Aida, Angelyn & Rachel
6/8 harian boys come
which is
Me, Raye, Fit, Neck0, Yuz & ZulZzZ
pergi Kedai Indon beli minuman
ceridak lalu bah Kedai Indon ya
no hygiene
we all main lagu
then masa mok balik
main Game Taik Ayam Sungai Ayam
GTA San Andreas
balik pukul
minum ptg at Sin Wan Rojak & Cendol shop
near Perodua Jalan Bintang
then jalan2 at
a 'park' at Senadin
which is at the Lou Bin Tang place
beli some groceries
balik rumah
-at school said "Happy Valentine's Day" to everyone-
-gave Valentine's Day 'CARD' to everyone who comes just now-
-such a nice VDAY CARD-
-tomorrow i show you the photo of the card if i can go online-
-helped Cane to do a secret mission-
-no vday msgs today-
-yesterday banyak-
Friday, February 13, 2009
Aku Just Registered!
aku baru jak register kat
best juak, dapat foruming..
btw, baru aku perasan hari tok FRIDAY the 13th but i don't believe on that stuff.
gney mok polah website owh...
yesterday was like the worst day of my form2 life
aku dah hilang kesabaran so i'm mad at that time and i.....
nvrmind...only some people knew about this...
Yesterday ada meeting for the Gawai celebration.
I don't know why the meeting is so early
btw, for the Gawai and Tadau Keamatan Kolej this year, i become the AJK Fotografi, same as last year. this year's pengerusi is Abg Gary and his assistant is Kak Ameth @ Anneth. Abg Wayne jadi Pen.Bendahari and Kak Wendy @ Helda jd Bendahari.
kepada sesiapa yg baca post yg kat bwh ya, iboh ambik hati. tok luahan perasaan aku.
aku sik suka dgn toot toot toot. cdak toot toot toot malah jak tiru kami org punya ideas. sik dpt fikir kediri kah? mesti kah ikut style org. iboh copy idea org bah.. u can think of ur own idea.
berubah lah
think of ur own idea
=] peace!
best juak, dapat foruming..
btw, baru aku perasan hari tok FRIDAY the 13th but i don't believe on that stuff.
gney mok polah website owh...
yesterday was like the worst day of my form2 life
aku dah hilang kesabaran so i'm mad at that time and i.....
nvrmind...only some people knew about this...
Yesterday ada meeting for the Gawai celebration.
I don't know why the meeting is so early
btw, for the Gawai and Tadau Keamatan Kolej this year, i become the AJK Fotografi, same as last year. this year's pengerusi is Abg Gary and his assistant is Kak Ameth @ Anneth. Abg Wayne jadi Pen.Bendahari and Kak Wendy @ Helda jd Bendahari.
kepada sesiapa yg baca post yg kat bwh ya, iboh ambik hati. tok luahan perasaan aku.
aku sik suka dgn toot toot toot. cdak toot toot toot malah jak tiru kami org punya ideas. sik dpt fikir kediri kah? mesti kah ikut style org. iboh copy idea org bah.. u can think of ur own idea.
berubah lah
think of ur own idea
=] peace!
Mulanya Zaman Blogging Form1'09
Hello, Kaylene had just created a blog! She's the first form1'09 who blogs! Her url:- ^-^
BTW, to ZUL, YUS, FIT, RAYE, NICO etc, PLZ COMMENT ON MY BLOG-lah..i noe u guys read my blog...senang jak comment..iboh malu-malu..either u can comment at the 'comments' or 'kicks' or even at the CBOX. AND y don't u all just create a blog...aduhh...we are TEKUNS and we must be the best of the best..hehe...
Aduhh, esok pgi sekolah...ingat ye my friends, esok 1pm must go school to do 'spring cleaning'.
yeah, i will photostate the PJK thingy
DYDY baru jak invite me baca her blog
currently listening to LIGHT ON! David Cook!
i tgh mesej with Chuo Chung Yee..she is one of my rivals in examinationss masa Primary school dulok.
currently listening to THE TIME OF MY LIFE! D.C!
terima msj from Kaylene
"Charlz.. I oredi make blog"
then i reply
"I noe, kayleneamanda"
we [chungyee & i]were talking bout kolej
currently listening to A LITTLE TOO NOT OVER YOU! David Archuleta!
"Tell me why you so hard to forget, don't remind me, i'm not over it, tell me why, i can't seem to face the truth, i'm just a little too not over you"
now playing, SUPERHUMAN! Chris Brown and Keri Hilson.
"you change my whole life, don't know what you're doing to me with your love, I'm feeling a SUPERHUMAN you did this to me, a superhuman heart beats in me, nothing can stop me here with you"
btw, about chris brown, i can't believe of what he did!! If u don't know about it, kesian.
Chung Yee asked me
"don't you all feel stress schooling in Kolej??!?!?!"
then i replied
"OF COZ!!! too stress. everyday go back late. byk hwk. etc"
but then
kolej is the best school i'd ever been
it is where YOUR FRIENDS ARE NOT FRIENDS but you 'anggap' your friend as your family
IT IS WHERE YOUR SEnIORS ArE NOT SENIORS instead, they are like your bros and sis
2TEKUN'09 is the best!
btw, next week i'm going to be in HIATUS MODE!
Exam! Progresif 1 Exam! Urghh..
-out and go-
Aduhh, esok pgi sekolah...ingat ye my friends, esok 1pm must go school to do 'spring cleaning'.
yeah, i will photostate the PJK thingy
DYDY baru jak invite me baca her blog
currently listening to LIGHT ON! David Cook!
i tgh mesej with Chuo Chung Yee..she is one of my rivals in examinationss masa Primary school dulok.
currently listening to THE TIME OF MY LIFE! D.C!
terima msj from Kaylene
"Charlz.. I oredi make blog"
then i reply
"I noe, kayleneamanda"
we [chungyee & i]were talking bout kolej
currently listening to A LITTLE TOO NOT OVER YOU! David Archuleta!
"Tell me why you so hard to forget, don't remind me, i'm not over it, tell me why, i can't seem to face the truth, i'm just a little too not over you"
now playing, SUPERHUMAN! Chris Brown and Keri Hilson.
"you change my whole life, don't know what you're doing to me with your love, I'm feeling a SUPERHUMAN you did this to me, a superhuman heart beats in me, nothing can stop me here with you"
btw, about chris brown, i can't believe of what he did!! If u don't know about it, kesian.
Chung Yee asked me
"don't you all feel stress schooling in Kolej??!?!?!"
then i replied
"OF COZ!!! too stress. everyday go back late. byk hwk. etc"
but then
kolej is the best school i'd ever been
it is where YOUR FRIENDS ARE NOT FRIENDS but you 'anggap' your friend as your family
IT IS WHERE YOUR SEnIORS ArE NOT SENIORS instead, they are like your bros and sis
2TEKUN'09 is the best!
btw, next week i'm going to be in HIATUS MODE!
Exam! Progresif 1 Exam! Urghh..
-out and go-
Tagged by Jawshee^-^
1. Do You Think You're Hot?
.but the day is so hot.
.lagipun i x switch on the aircon.
.but the day is so hot.
.lagipun i x switch on the aircon.
2. Upload Your Favourite Picture of Yourself.
pahal tok. sik dpt upload. maybe next time.
pahal tok. sik dpt upload. maybe next time.
3. Why Do You Like That Picture?
wait until i upload the photo
wait until i upload the photo
4. When Was The Last Time You Ate Pizza.
.with my family.
.makan lunch.
.masa cuti CNY'09.
.date?31.01.09 i think.
.at Bintang Megamall.
5. The Last Song You Listen To.
david archuleta-a little too not over you
6. What Are You Doing Right Now Beside This.
.breathing. typing. seeing. hearing. thinking. etc.
7. What Name You Prefer Beside Yours.
.LOVE my name.
.a name like no other.
.i'm the only one in school with my name.
.a name like no other.
.i'm the only one in school with my name.

8. People to tag :
.hurm...didn't state how many.
.but by the looks of the past one,i'll tag 5.
1. Bryan
2. Ann
3. Rach
4. Aida
5. Abg Wayne
9. Who Is Number 1?
.britney spears fan.
.budak hostel.
.ex budak harian.
.gila handphone.
10. Number 3 Is Having Relationship With?
.with a 'DR'.
11. Say Something About Number 5.
.Pen.Ketua Pgws 2008/2009.
.ahli GAMELAN kolej.
.kolej's CHOIR member.
.ahli BSMM.
.peminat David Cook.
.always motivate me.
.always give me advice.
.always support me.
.a good senior.
.suka bergurau with juniors.
.loves manoks.
.love blackforest cake, fresh cream chocolate cake and chocolate cake.
.always there with me whenever i'm feeling down.
.always SMS with me.
.one of the best senior ever.
12. How About Number 4?
.my classmate.
.Ketua Kelas 1 Tekun'08.
.she have the most beautiful blog.
.loves Stephenie Meyer's Books.
.loves to read books.
.a good friend.
.always give support etc to me when i'm feeling down.
.for example yesterday[12.02.09].
13. Who Is Number 2?
.Angelyn ak Dominic Untam.
.my classmate.
.suka pergi jamban.
.a good friend.
.LEO member.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
b4 i start posting about my 'HARI PALING KECEWA AKU SBG PGWS PLTH', i wanna post serba sedikit about 2 days ago.
-hmmm, lupa eh
-TUGAS AKU YG PALING LAST sbg pengawas pelatih!!! masa gerko ada 2 org polis dtg iaitu Encik Aziz & Encik Berman..cdak duak tok bagi ceramah to us, Kadet Polis. menakutkan.
-perhimpunan, SEMUA pengawas pelatih x bertugas sbb Mdm Ikbal x suruh kami org bertugas sbb terlampau byk pgws yg terpaksalah masuk line..boring bahh x tugas..x best..and then ada perjumpaan pgws slps perhimpunan and Abg Keth say "Pengawas Junior sila tinggal sebentar nanti"...then the others balik to their class and we all at dewan...i got a bad feeling since morning as if something bad is gonna happen..tiba2 C.Ikbal say "Maaf ye pgws plth kerana anda semua telah disingkir drpd mnjd pgws, skrg anda semua ialah pelajar biasa..sila serahkan nametag anda..sekolah kita x kaya kalau tak anda boleh bw balik nametag tersebut...terima kasih kerana telah membantu Lembaga Pgws menjalankan tugas"...then i said in my mind "WHAT THE EFF!!!" "WHAT??!" i almost cried and to those of you who don't know how sad it is, losing your very PRECIOUS nametag is like losing your own brother..that is what Najib said...he also almost cried..i see Cynthia, Apphia, Leeroy etc etc almost cried...huhu...
-you wear the pgws plth nametag for like 6-7months since 17 JULY 2008 every single school day and today you have to give back that nametag...
-you done your job as a pgws plth since 17 JULY 2008 and tomorrow you will not do it's like a routine already..i dah biasa keluar kelas awal pagi utk bertugas, keluar dr kelas awal utk bertugas di kantin...i already get use of what Cyn say, "Mesti ada seorg drpd kita esok secara x sengaja dia pergi tugas" the i say "nang pun...sbb ia dah jd routine kita bahh"
actually there were some tears in my eye that time..
but there's a good news
C.Ikbal say "Maybe in June we and the class teachers will nominate you to be a pgws sesi 2009/2010 so don't give up" "doesn't mean that you are no longer a pgws that you can break the rules, jd samseng etc"
senior aku yg 1st(2008)
-Abg Gary
-bilik siaraya
-Abg Clinton
-line check and jaga form2 di Blok Dedikasi
-Abg Afif
-Senior aku yg PALING BEST! nya ajar aku meningkatkan keyakinan aku..
-line check and jaga Form5 di Blok Bersih
4th and last(2009)
-Abg Zayid
-bilik siaraya
-baru jak 2minggu aku tugas dgn nya
THNX 4 everything
Jawatan aku sbg pgws pelatih
-Pen.Ketua Papan Notis pgws (juniors only)
Rakan2 Setugas aku
-Fit3, bilik siaraya
-Leeroy, Blok Dedikasi
-Walter, Blok Bersih
ctok jak lah post aku.
-hmmm, lupa eh
-TUGAS AKU YG PALING LAST sbg pengawas pelatih!!! masa gerko ada 2 org polis dtg iaitu Encik Aziz & Encik Berman..cdak duak tok bagi ceramah to us, Kadet Polis. menakutkan.
-perhimpunan, SEMUA pengawas pelatih x bertugas sbb Mdm Ikbal x suruh kami org bertugas sbb terlampau byk pgws yg terpaksalah masuk line..boring bahh x tugas..x best..and then ada perjumpaan pgws slps perhimpunan and Abg Keth say "Pengawas Junior sila tinggal sebentar nanti"...then the others balik to their class and we all at dewan...i got a bad feeling since morning as if something bad is gonna happen..tiba2 C.Ikbal say "Maaf ye pgws plth kerana anda semua telah disingkir drpd mnjd pgws, skrg anda semua ialah pelajar biasa..sila serahkan nametag anda..sekolah kita x kaya kalau tak anda boleh bw balik nametag tersebut...terima kasih kerana telah membantu Lembaga Pgws menjalankan tugas"...then i said in my mind "WHAT THE EFF!!!" "WHAT??!" i almost cried and to those of you who don't know how sad it is, losing your very PRECIOUS nametag is like losing your own brother..that is what Najib said...he also almost cried..i see Cynthia, Apphia, Leeroy etc etc almost cried...huhu...
-you wear the pgws plth nametag for like 6-7months since 17 JULY 2008 every single school day and today you have to give back that nametag...
-you done your job as a pgws plth since 17 JULY 2008 and tomorrow you will not do it's like a routine already..i dah biasa keluar kelas awal pagi utk bertugas, keluar dr kelas awal utk bertugas di kantin...i already get use of what Cyn say, "Mesti ada seorg drpd kita esok secara x sengaja dia pergi tugas" the i say "nang pun...sbb ia dah jd routine kita bahh"
actually there were some tears in my eye that time..
but there's a good news
C.Ikbal say "Maybe in June we and the class teachers will nominate you to be a pgws sesi 2009/2010 so don't give up" "doesn't mean that you are no longer a pgws that you can break the rules, jd samseng etc"
senior aku yg 1st(2008)
-Abg Gary
-bilik siaraya
-Abg Clinton
-line check and jaga form2 di Blok Dedikasi
-Abg Afif
-Senior aku yg PALING BEST! nya ajar aku meningkatkan keyakinan aku..
-line check and jaga Form5 di Blok Bersih
4th and last(2009)
-Abg Zayid
-bilik siaraya
-baru jak 2minggu aku tugas dgn nya
THNX 4 everything
Jawatan aku sbg pgws pelatih
-Pen.Ketua Papan Notis pgws (juniors only)
Rakan2 Setugas aku
-Fit3, bilik siaraya
-Leeroy, Blok Dedikasi
-Walter, Blok Bersih
ctok jak lah post aku.
p/s: sedih lalu...sapa xda feeling ya, just wanna let you'll know
Saturday, February 7, 2009
I'm currently watching Bleach at YouTube..hehe...not this bleach
THIS Bleach...i watch it sometimes only but best.

THIS Bleach...i watch it sometimes only but best.

the week of S-T-R-E-S-S
ok, let's go for a flashback of this week
so i name this week STRESS Week
I shall name this day 'the beginning of S.W'
-Raye x come
-byk org sakit perut
-masa Gerko xda mood mok main
-buat experiment Reflection & Refraction di Science Lab
-lunch keluar awal and we are the first who sampai at canteen
-masa tukar baju and seluar, Prof. Fit tell me something crazy
-only that i can remember about 2209-
I shall name this day 'Kukus Day'
-Aeda x come
-masa PJK bentang about Relay with my geng PJ, Apia, AJ & Hapeez
-and then pergi PJ[Pendidikan Jasmani not Petaling Jaya]
-same group with Nico, Avin & AJ
-so tiring-lah
-i almost fainted
-BI kena lecture Mdm Sawaran, 2Tekunians tauk lah apa yg terjadi
-pgi Laman Iqra' to baca buku...ada lagoo best...lagu 'I can do whatver I want'..hehe..nolah...lagu T.I ya bahh..' what ever you like'....
-actually i suppose to tugas masa rehat tp we all terpaksa 'reading'..hehe
-and then we all got a meeting about the Keceriaan kelas..then tiba2 msok topic E-MART..hehe..'penyokong' e-mart berdebat dgn 'pembangkang' e-mart..then, 'PRESIDEN' penyokong e-mart atau lebih dikenali sebagai Apia, berkata "Be Smart, Pergi E-mart, Lebih Jimat" the penyokongs akhirnya menang..
-lunch pakei payung emart mdm Chang
-the rest of the day i malas mok cerita
-KUKUS day is so funny and crazy..i name this day kukus day bcoz only me rach & ann noes..btw, what is DEMAM KUSKUS?? and also about DURATION
i shall name this day 'mid of S.W'
-tgs kat dewan
-1st time pakai Bau Batek baru
-C.Ikbal say no need to tugas at dewan anymore
-masa SVK, buat ttg Refleksi diri
-byk hwk
-lunch pgi nyonya
-pergi drama practice...aduhh..balik 4.30
i shall name this day 'Busy Fun Day'
-bw camera today
-masa BI, 2tekun kena puji Mdm Sawaran
-masa SEJARAH was the best part...malas aku mok cerita
-Gerko main one word story
-malas aku mok cerita gik
i shall name this day 'Fun Busy Day'
-masa BM mcm biasa and u noe how is biasa??
-masa PSV was very very fun..hehe....
-masa GEO kena puji mdm Yeoh but then we all kena lecture bcoz our class kotor
-pergi nyonya with Kaylene & Annabelle
-after that, ikut Raye, Neck0 n DyNanD pergi kantin
-cdak 3 order pattaya and aku order Kueh Tiaw
-then my bapak come
-x sempat mkn Kueh Tiaw
-what a waste
-i ask them makan it
-makan at Seng Kee dekat dgn rumah Ann
-pergi sekolah again
-pergi cari cdak 3 ya...raye necko n dynand
-cdak kat tekun
-tba2 we all cakap pasal ROKOK..mcm forum lah..ckp psl the side effects etc
-we all talk bout that bcoz Jiji put up the yucky POSTER
-then tba2 geoff n benny dtg
-then cane daniel christian and peter dtg gik to sambung the forum
-etc etc etc
-drama practice!!
-after that pergi CHOIR auditions!!!
-aku sik dipilih!! antara aku raye necko n dynand, dynand jak dipilih.
-dr class 2tekun, Connie jak yg dipilih
-aku mok nangis bahh!!!
-this is my 2nd 'musical dissapointment'
-my 1st one is last year masa GAMELAN auditions...
-I REALLY REALLY LOVE gamelan and choir & wanna join them!!!
-balik around 5.05pm
-arrive at home almost 6pm bcoz my bapak ambik his laptop and etc kat office first
-mandi and pergi rumah kak May
-ada jumpa Ariqah harmoni
-benci ku lihat nya
-main PS2 sia..main FIFA 2006 and GTA!!! Game Taik Ayam!! Aku main GTA San Andreas & GTA III
-malas ku mok cerita
I THINK YESTERDAY IS Abg Keth's BIRTHDAY...if it's true so, HAPPY 17th Birthday!!
no name
-pergi Jan Mi cari seluar kadet polis tp xda stok
so i name this week STRESS Week
I shall name this day 'the beginning of S.W'
-Raye x come
-byk org sakit perut
-masa Gerko xda mood mok main
-buat experiment Reflection & Refraction di Science Lab
-lunch keluar awal and we are the first who sampai at canteen
-masa tukar baju and seluar, Prof. Fit tell me something crazy
-only that i can remember about 2209-
I shall name this day 'Kukus Day'
-Aeda x come
-masa PJK bentang about Relay with my geng PJ, Apia, AJ & Hapeez
-and then pergi PJ[Pendidikan Jasmani not Petaling Jaya]
-same group with Nico, Avin & AJ
-so tiring-lah
-i almost fainted
-BI kena lecture Mdm Sawaran, 2Tekunians tauk lah apa yg terjadi
-pgi Laman Iqra' to baca buku...ada lagoo best...lagu 'I can do whatver I want'..hehe..nolah...lagu T.I ya bahh..' what ever you like'....
-actually i suppose to tugas masa rehat tp we all terpaksa 'reading'..hehe
-and then we all got a meeting about the Keceriaan kelas..then tiba2 msok topic E-MART..hehe..'penyokong' e-mart berdebat dgn 'pembangkang' e-mart..then, 'PRESIDEN' penyokong e-mart atau lebih dikenali sebagai Apia, berkata "Be Smart, Pergi E-mart, Lebih Jimat" the penyokongs akhirnya menang..
-lunch pakei payung emart mdm Chang
-the rest of the day i malas mok cerita
-KUKUS day is so funny and crazy..i name this day kukus day bcoz only me rach & ann noes..btw, what is DEMAM KUSKUS?? and also about DURATION
i shall name this day 'mid of S.W'
-tgs kat dewan
-1st time pakai Bau Batek baru
-C.Ikbal say no need to tugas at dewan anymore
-masa SVK, buat ttg Refleksi diri
-byk hwk
-lunch pgi nyonya
-pergi drama practice...aduhh..balik 4.30
i shall name this day 'Busy Fun Day'
-bw camera today
-masa BI, 2tekun kena puji Mdm Sawaran
-masa SEJARAH was the best part...malas aku mok cerita
-Gerko main one word story
-malas aku mok cerita gik
i shall name this day 'Fun Busy Day'
-masa BM mcm biasa and u noe how is biasa??
-masa PSV was very very fun..hehe....
-masa GEO kena puji mdm Yeoh but then we all kena lecture bcoz our class kotor
-pergi nyonya with Kaylene & Annabelle
-after that, ikut Raye, Neck0 n DyNanD pergi kantin
-cdak 3 order pattaya and aku order Kueh Tiaw
-then my bapak come
-x sempat mkn Kueh Tiaw
-what a waste
-i ask them makan it
-makan at Seng Kee dekat dgn rumah Ann
-pergi sekolah again
-pergi cari cdak 3 ya...raye necko n dynand
-cdak kat tekun
-tba2 we all cakap pasal ROKOK..mcm forum lah..ckp psl the side effects etc
-we all talk bout that bcoz Jiji put up the yucky POSTER
-then tba2 geoff n benny dtg
-then cane daniel christian and peter dtg gik to sambung the forum
-etc etc etc
-drama practice!!
-after that pergi CHOIR auditions!!!
-aku sik dipilih!! antara aku raye necko n dynand, dynand jak dipilih.
-dr class 2tekun, Connie jak yg dipilih
-aku mok nangis bahh!!!
-this is my 2nd 'musical dissapointment'
-my 1st one is last year masa GAMELAN auditions...
-I REALLY REALLY LOVE gamelan and choir & wanna join them!!!
-balik around 5.05pm
-arrive at home almost 6pm bcoz my bapak ambik his laptop and etc kat office first
-mandi and pergi rumah kak May
-ada jumpa Ariqah harmoni
-benci ku lihat nya
-main PS2 sia..main FIFA 2006 and GTA!!! Game Taik Ayam!! Aku main GTA San Andreas & GTA III
-malas ku mok cerita
I THINK YESTERDAY IS Abg Keth's BIRTHDAY...if it's true so, HAPPY 17th Birthday!!
no name
-pergi Jan Mi cari seluar kadet polis tp xda stok
p/s:malas mok buat cantik2
TO ALL FORM 1, I ENCOURAGE YOU ALL TO START BLOGGING!!! Kolejans must blogging!! 5star school!! ICT school!! Bestari school!!!
TO ALL FORM 1, I ENCOURAGE YOU ALL TO START BLOGGING!!! Kolejans must blogging!! 5star school!! ICT school!! Bestari school!!!
Sunday, February 1, 2009
esok SCHOOL?! Oh NO!!!
esok school!!
owh no!
i'm not ready yet
still lots of UN-finished homeworks!
busy busy busy busy busy busy busy
WHAT?! esok 2nd FEB?!
"i hope f5 okay2 jak tmrw. i hope n0 oNe wilL cry aloNe.i hope we'lL be okay's 2nd fEb.a date tat i wilL nvr forget."
--coretan manokz--
owh no!
i'm not ready yet
still lots of UN-finished homeworks!
busy busy busy busy busy busy busy
WHAT?! esok 2nd FEB?!
"i hope f5 okay2 jak tmrw. i hope n0 oNe wilL cry aloNe.i hope we'lL be okay's 2nd fEb.a date tat i wilL nvr forget."
--coretan manokz--
Happy New Month!
hehe, last night got this dinner or gathering at my house attended by relatives and Aunty Hilda's family.
slept at around 12.30am
cuzens oredy go back to Julau
i finished my homework at 4pm just now..started at 11am[incl. waktu rehat/makan/etc]
pergi IKLAS CARWASH to cuci kereta..if u wanna noe where it is, it is located in front of Lutong Cafe.
rainy day
continue doing homework
minum petang
FOunD my Record Book
terselit inside GEO
slept at around 12.30am
cuzens oredy go back to Julau
i finished my homework at 4pm just now..started at 11am[incl. waktu rehat/makan/etc]
pergi IKLAS CARWASH to cuci kereta..if u wanna noe where it is, it is located in front of Lutong Cafe.
rainy day
continue doing homework
minum petang
FOunD my Record Book
terselit inside GEO
p/s: teruk eh the floods in Sarawak
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