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Wednesday, February 25, 2009

hari tok is 25.2.2009

-SPOT CHECK!!!!!!!! my first SPOT CHECK in Kolej.
-i'm innocent
-got 34/40...malah jak sepalak dgn Leeroy...
-40% for exam and 60% for sahsiah
-masa PM...blalbalbla
-geram ku nangga Lona!!! XD
-beli nasi RM2.50 from 2G mall!
-aku fit roy zul yus makan kat tangga kedak EMO! tiap2 rehat mesti jak kami org lepak kt tangga
-and then fit ajar me 'HOW TO WALK LIKE A ...'
-MAIN JADI!!!! mcm budak kecik!!!
-aku leeroy fit3 zul yus najib ann rach and amily main jadi[tag] masa rehat!! was fun though..haha..kami lari2 depan form1 and form2 but xda pun malu..muka tebal
-tukar tempat dudok!!!!!!
-we all tukar tempat dudok by lucky draw..contohnya, if A got no.2 from the so called lucky draw, so A must sit at no.2.
-i got number 4!!!
-my neighbours are rach and yus...
-but then i must move coz no.4 is at the front and they say "yg pandai ya dudok kat blkg"
so i must sit at belakang neighbours are ann trah and capoh2 kamiorg sampai ada yg nangis disbabkan tukar tmpt dudok...aku sik PUAS HATI!!! Aku mesti dudok dgn org SEPALAK!! boring bahh aku dudok dgn trah....ngantok..masa Sc td ngantok lalu..masa MT aku dudok between Ester and Zul and Jiji buat sementara...hahah..ester dah gila dah dudok dgn jiji...
aku rindu jiran2 SEPALAK aku...Leeroy aka Akik Tuai, Fit3 aka Professor & Nico aka Tauke...Zul and Yus pun sama..ann n rach pun sama...AJ and Avin jauh lalu bahh...sik blh mok chit chat gosipp dgn cdaknya..blablabla..and then banyak org berebutkan hafiz to seat with them...cdaknya mok dudok dgn hafiz coz he terer Maths...sampai gaduh2 cdak ya berebutkan hafiz and the one who wanna sit with him are girls...haha..ada yg sampai nangis berebutkan callie..
-maths...dudok dgn ester jiji..ester gila...and then chitchat dgn fit and zul psl TOOT
-ihh..gelik ehh ku dgr wat fit told me
-dtg rumah almost 2pm and terus tdo..sik makan...buka bju batik jak..tdo pakei bju putih jak..tdo tdo tdo sampai pukul 4pm...and then makan at 4pm and 4.30pm terus buat toondoo....
-buat toondoo sampai pukul 8pm...buat toondoo sambil tgk SPA Q!!!
-aku benci Datin Sofiera! Julia! Eryana! Norell! Dafi ada lah benci sikit..sian Qistina..byk lalu mslh...aku rasa Mellisa anak Datin Sofiera lah..nya selalu ambik berat ttg mellisa


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

haha.tang ada men jadi.
haha,sama la,dolok org berebut2 jak mok duduk ngan org pandey.

miss class mpun suasana eh.