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Wednesday, April 15, 2009

1st post of the week

idk what to post

had 4 small paper cups of Nescafe in school, got Nescafe truck come bahh
and then MDM Yeoh asked me to go for a CAMP! Yeay! My 1st camp! It is a No Apologies; Love, Life, +Sex Camp for Christian Students above 14 years old. The fees are only RM50. Haha, only form 2 and form 4 go for the camp. Form 2 yg ikut is Raye Dynand David Dynand Mac Foybel & Amily (or maybe Beatrice too).

PROGRESIF 2 2009 is the WORST EXAM EVER in my life & in Kolej!!!
currently got 1B & 3C!!!! Urghhhh
Maths, 84B (2 more marks to get A!)
English, 66C(33/50) (4 more marks to get B! 35/50 is B!)
Geo, 67C(20/30) (3 more marks to get B! 21/30 is B!)

today & tomorrow the softball team go for a competition at Pusat Belia near St. Co or what ever it is 
today a lot of ppl didn't come to school not only the softballers, but the kadet polis, first-aiders etc

Basketball MSSM!
Tomorrow is the Competition! teruk bahh team Kolej, baru jak 3 hari cdak ya training..haha, btw Good luck. Zul9 jak form2 yg dipilih, the others are the Form4 lah

Memories of Tuesday April Tekun
~we found Tue on the floor last Tuesday(7.4)~
~we 'terpaksa' cut Raye's group product to make Tue's home~
~we fed Tue some of Shaqil's bread & Dydy's cold plain water~
~Tue poop-ed on Nico's hand~
~it was Maths exam, and Tue was so noisy that we can hardy think~
~we scolded Tue~
~someone IRRESPONSIBLE gave Tue a chocolate wafer~
~the next day, Tue died peacefully at Nic' house~
~Nic's dad threw away Tue~
~But Nic 'sempt' go and 'cabut' Tue's feather~
~the Feather is the only thing that Tue left~
~Now Tue's free, Fly....~

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