before i tell yall about my friend Lucinda, I will tell you a story.
I went to Pustaka around 11.45am
with Shaqil & Aida
we booked Discussion Room 5
and then Fit come
buat hwk...got lots of hwk!
and then by 1.20pm, Aida & I walked to Parkson
when we reached there, we were sweating like hell
saw Zul at the entrance, and then saw Aiman
Met Nico & Raye at Kokoberi
Aiman ikut us
pgi Cinema!
and we watched this very COOL AWESOME AMAZING movie called "KNOWING"
Me, Raye, Dot, Necko, Ann & Aiman watched this movie called "KNOWING"

this movie is so damn freakin awesome! haha...buat org phobia jak cerita tok...tapi bez...very very cool. There are many parts of this movie which freaks you out! U might even have a phobia going on a plane or a train..hehe...the plane & train part freaks me out so much! I was closing my ears when the train part happen & when everything is DESTROYED! The plane part I wasn't closing my ears coz i wasn't ready..i was so loud! lantai bergegar! Dahsyat sungguh cerita ni..aku jd lemah semangat tgk crita ya..aduhaii...I wish she was there by my side! haha! So that i can hold her hands! I NEED YOU at that time! just a warning, this movie is not suitable for org yg lemah semangat & org below 18..haha..the funny story lah, tadi maa mok balit ya, ada jam kat Pujut..and then aku teringatkan pasal belon ya! haha..i keep on imagining it! It won't get out of my mind coz it was TOTALLY AWESOME thing to watch! I wanna watch it again! Wanna buy the DVD.haha. bw balit kpg..x lamak gik cuti...biar cdak ya tangga ya! haah...demam terus ku tangga crita ya..still very shock! Kawan kita, Nico, keep on saying F*CK, C!Bai, Sh!t etc the whole movie..haha
the trip to paxen was funny...dot hv raye, man hv lyn, me & nic?? no one...x cun..haha..and then we share money to buy 2 large fries & a dozen of nuggets for 6 of us at McD..OK lah..i'll end my post with some codes..
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