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Thursday, April 16, 2009

my WORST & fun day in Kolej!

16 April 2009,  my unlucky day
UNLUCKY THURSDAY orang katakan
i'm so ashamed of myself..
sine lah aku mok letak mok aku tok =P

yg unlucky about today??
okay, first, i got bad results for my Progresif 2 [will post about it later]. Second, okay, tok nang menjatuhkan maruah & nama baik 2T lah. Better not to post it here. Third, sakit hati coz of a toot! Yesterday i'd done something that i should do a long long time one noe about this..sorry guys, can't tell u all bout this..someday i will tell u guys =]

yg pelik about today??
Aj told me something yg unexplainable!
What's happening to him?!? I mean seriously, he acted weird just now, i mean very weird...never seen him like that before..that's not the him I use to know..eventhough it's kinda funny, but it's something that he would've did. It's just too weird, odd, unexplainable. Me & someone said that he's..........

yg bez about today??
many teachers didn't come today, and most of our classmates weren't here today so as masa BI, SC, SEJ, KHB xda cikgu! total masa, 8 Masa xda cikgu! Yesterday 4 masa jak...masa BI club, we main English Treasure Hunt organized by the Form 1'09..Good Job all, korg tok terer gilak...Zul pgi MSSM Basketbll hari tok lawan SMK ubis & SMKDP

what we/i do during the 8 free periods??
do the sejarah homework, MAIN STOKING ZUL!, bersembang, baca buku, quarantine athirah, jiji jadi raja, tidur, main tuduh-menuduh, tetak, bahagia!

how we main stoking zul??
tikam2 stoking ya kat orang..haha...ceridak..bauu

apa yg aku dot raye yuz & toot sembang about??
mula2, we talk about 'babi'..and then psl emart, rumah, kereta, accident, lutong, lutong airport, taman bayshore, jambatan, jambatan permyjaya, jejantas, kampung, kereta, mandi, langkawi, hotel, banjir, kerbau, kerja bapak, hasrat mok explore cliff, and more..byk lah

Sot about today??
Me bryan hafiz shaqil easther main dgn masking tape to cover our mouth..haha...XD
menukul tin aek..did something so is called the THURSDAY PLAN

Anything else??
Yea, but i'm lazy to post some more...
Okay then, BYE!

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