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Friday, January 30, 2009


To all Mirians,
there is a landslide at Kampung Lereng Bukit this afternoon near Grand Palace Hotel. The landslides hit several houses! Kesian lalu...i felt like crying when i first saw it...according to what i saw, there is no chance for someone to survive but I hope no one died or buried alive in the landslide..
on 12.30pm this afternoon, I went to Pasar Miri with my mom and everything is still normal but when we went back from Pasar Miri, around 1pm, there was a jam and we thought it was a road block or an accident but it was a LANDSLIDE! It happened so fast.
Photos are still in my mom's handphone, i'll try to post it if i can. This is the 2nd landslide occured in our beloved city, MIRI..hope there's no more tragedies happen in MIRI again..the previous landslide took the life of two Indonesian workers of the Shell Petrol Station opposite Bintang Megamall.


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