today is my 1st worst day in 2009..coz just now pergi school to register and memberes all the things for skool, i cari2 where is my class until angela tolf me to go upstairs of Blok Dedikasi coz she saw Raye go upstairs so we go up coz we wanna noe why he go up and then i tgk this CLASS got my classmates so i masuklah and i tanya's my question goes:-
aj: YESSS, can you believe it?? Quite BUROK [in my mind] apuuuuuuuu...
aj: just terima the kenyataan this is our class...i only can accept 55% that is our class...dahlah burok, xda aircon, xda elektrik, kipas pun x boleh on, claz pulak kotor, kecik gik class ya.....well, i miss our old class which was new...ada space, privacy, aircon, tempat bermain, bersembang, fitting room, watch tower and semua yg any student wanted in their class...well i sat beside NICO and in front of ANN n RACH...well after we membereskan semua urusan aj angela rach ann pergi lawat our old class coz RACH N ANN said that it's not locked!!! But then we come there and then teng0k it's LOCKED..aduhhai...then we jenguk tru the window and we can see ALL of our MAHJONG papers, and all the stuff we put on the walls last year and we could see ANN's Christmas lights...hehe...then patah balik...and tunggu for parents..then my bpk ambik me n go to Sun City to makan..and then pgi KK Book Store beli the nametag tingy...and then pergi JAN MI to hantar the BAJU BATIK KOLEJ to i LOVE the new BATIK design..can't wait to wear it...on the way cari parking to JAN MI, tiba2 dlm kereta RAYE telefon's the conversati0n goes:-[4ever-CB ringtone]me: hello???raye: chalz, dini di diatu??me: dlm kereta???raye: di kah dlm kereta QMx xxxx???me: ya, pahal???[muka blurr]raye: lawa ok byeraye: bye[the end]me: [dlm hati] apahal raye tok??xpalahtiba2, raye msj aku"patut la. muka baka kala medak muka dlm keta'THE ENDand then abg wayne msj:-"akhirnya bglr SENIOR!!! it's our last chance to be on centre stage b4 we go our separate ways. High school wasnt meant to last 4ever."coretan manokz yg originaland then kat school xda 2AMAL..semua the 1AMAL'08 either pergi cekal or yakin...and then tadi kat sekul ada nampak form1 lah mun sik silap aku...hmpr semua laki F1 nampak kedak YUZ jak..ada yg kdk walter..yg pempuan cdaknya nampak bitchy especially pempuan yg pakei serba biru tek..baju biru sluar jeans kasot biru tdg biru apa2 jaklah biru...ada pempuan f1 yg aku limpas on the way to Ko-op tek, benci ku lihatnya...entahlah apahal aku BENCI gilak dgn Form1 tok sedangkan aku blm kenal gik cdaknya..skol pun blm start gik...cuba ko nangga jln kat blok CEKAP and Pjbt am ya, mcm KENA BOM...byk eh perubahan kat kolej..aku nangga tek BLOK baru kolej ya besar lalu, harap2 smua claz ada aircon mcm SMK CH..surau pun besar than the current Surau..hope ada tandas yg bersih dan berkualiti..tu jak post ku ari tok..CHOWp/s: HAPPY 14th BIRTHDAY ANGELA, no present
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