td at kantin callie lalu...hehe...rahsia 2tekun and ......terer lalu budak form1 yg bernama kaylene...aduhaiii...baru 2nd week dah ada peminat
i tengok kan, the Form1 dah berani and dah menyesuaikan diri at Kolej...that's good but sometimes it can/may be something bad...
and then masa E.Club td kan, bez lalu..and then Mdm Sawaran chose ME, Bryan, Rach & Aida to make an English Club Blog..hehe..we made it just right after the meeting ends...we did the blog with Bryan's laptop in class 2cekal. the E.C blog url:-
visit now.
b4 we masuk 2ckl, i actually wanna go to 2tekun to ambik my bags and there's so may people..that time the KELAB USAHAWAN MUDA use our class...masa i tengok byk org masa ya kan, aku TERsebut "WHAT THE F*CK!" sik kuat lah...sebab ya aku mok 'PUASA' sik cakap dgn cdak Roy, Fit3, NICO, Yuz & Zul..aku ter'influence' dgn cdaknya coz cdaknya selalu ckp benda2 x sen0n0h.
since yesterday i don't feel good at Kolej..i don't know why or is it i'm hysteria..setiap kali aku dtg sekolah, mesti jak aku lemah semangat etc...maybe it's because of the 'stories' i heard from cyn. aduhaii...KUATKAN IMAN AKU....especially 2 stories tok. stories tok mcm dicerita secara berturun-turun..seniors akan bagi tauk juniors cerita2 kolej khususnya cerita kedak tok.
-dulu dulu dulu at Kolej, people say that a girl commited suicide in that class b'coz of 'putus cinta'.
you know why i'm scared??? i'm scared coz that class is next to our class...the stairs is between my class and that is at 2nd floor of Blok Dedikasi. in 2008, the class used to be the 1AMAL class but last time it was a Lower 6 class.
KES tok yg plg SERAM sekali
-dulu dulu dulu at Kolej, people said this principal was..i don't know what the principal did actually but people said his head had been cut off by a door b'coz of the strong winds..kan his head terkepit kat pintu ya..and then people say the head terGOLEK2 after terputus and people said the head was facing towards MY CLASS!!!! dahlah aku duduk kat belakang sekali...kan pintu ya terletak kat belakang kelas..pintu ya dulu menggabung kelas aku dgn kelas sebelah(2cekal). tp sekarang org dilarang utk membuka pintu ya and people go put the blackboard there to prevent people from opening it.
p/s: thanks to Rach & Ann coz two of you gave support to me masa i tengah memotong kayu beroti dgn GERGAJI JIG!!! dahlah aku takut and nervous lalu pakai GERGAJI JIG ya...hehe
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